Join Us for a Day of Football and Fun!

Our flag football tournament is dedicated to Coach John Turner, who was diagnosed with Early-onset Alzheimer’s 8 and a half years ago. Coach Turner was a youth football coach in Ridgefield for 13 years. He instilled characteristics, such as toughness and courage, into hundreds of youth football players. Throughout his battle these past 8.5 years, he has embodied those values with an unmatched spirit.

This event aims to give the people of Ridgefield and Fairfield County an opportunity to show how grateful they are to have had such a great coach serve their community.

In addition, all proceeds will be donated to Cure Alzheimer’s Fund (CAF). Researchers are battling daily to find a cure to help millions of Americans and they need all the support and funding to do so. Last year, we raised $8,000 for CAF.

We ask you to join us -December 22nd- for some great football, food and fun. Event highlights include:

– Double elimination flag football tournament at Tiger Hollow
-Food & Drink Offerings from several local vendors
– 50/50 raffle
– All participants receive the 2024 Coach Turner Holiday Classic T-Shirt
– All event proceeds will go to the CAF

If you aren’t able to make the event and still want to contribute to our cause, please donate directly to CAF on their website in honor of Coach Turner

Below is our sign up sheet – each team can have between 5-9 players. The fee to enter is $250 per team. If you do not have a team to join, you have the option to sign up as a free agent. There will be a $40 fee for entry as a free agent. Each participant will receive the Coach Turner Holiday Classic T-shirt. Please click on the Donate button below to send your admission fee directly to our event supporting CAF.

We and the Turner Family greatly appreciate your support, and we would love to see you on December 22nd!

Register HereDonate Here

All the Details

Be There

Ridgefield High School – Tiger Hollow
700 North Salem Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877







